How to add and export tracking pixels to your reporting items

Mathias Freudendahl Updated by Mathias Freudendahl

When you are creating a new report, you need to add your custom items to be tracked by AudienceReport. Check how to create your report here and how to add custom report items here

After adding custom report items, you can set the parameters of each item. In the Items tab, on the report menu, you will be able to do this. If you want to set the same settings for all items, in the right upper corner, click on “Get all tags”

If you want to adjust every custom item group or custom item separately please click on three dots in the item or items group and click on 'Get tags'

You can also set the parameters for the Items in the Items tab and not from the report. Simply go to the Items tab, click on three dots in the item, and select 'Download tags'

Edit events and get tags

Edit events

Now, on the left side menu select all events that you want to report on and you will get a pixel for each of them in your export. You have the following options:

  • Impressions
  • In-View supported
  • In-View
  • Video start
  • Video quartile 25%
  • Video quartile 50%
  • Video quartile 75%
  • Video complete
  • Click 

You can read more about report metrics here.

Edit tag parameters

Here you can select the adserver you are using from the dropdown list and the needed adserver-specific parameters will be added to your pixels/scripts (i.e. cache-busters and device-id). We strongly recommend selecting the adserver and the parameters you want to get tracking pixels, to avoid errors and long processes. These parameters also help us to debug some cases because we will have more info in the logs.

Also, the TCF GDPR parameters are added to your pixel automatically, because the box is ticked off by default. TCF GDPR parameters help ensure that the pixel measurement is fully GDPR compliant. The TCF framework is a widely recognised GDPR consent solution for communicating consent between different parties on the internet. Including the TCF GDPR parameters allows consent to be communicated to AudienceProject. If you select to include them, the tracking pixel will include the following parameter:


The ${GDPR} value should be replaced with either a “0” or a “1”, depending on whether the TCF framework is used. The ${GDPR_CONSENT_394} value should be replaced with the TCF consent string, as generated by your Consent Management Platform (CMP). AudienceProject’s TCF vendor ID is 394. You might need this ID when configuring consent in your CMP.

Once you have selected your events, you can see the tracking codes if you expand your item’s views. You can see each item’s tracking code, pixel URL and pixel HTML, script URL and script HTML for each metric. You can always uncheck the no-needed ones

You can choose to copy the tags or download these tags as a .csv file, or you can just click “Save and exit” on the top right side of the screen.

If you want to measure specific events for a particular item group, select the item group in the item tab, then click on the pencil symbol on the item group, as shown in the following picture. Then follow the process as described above.

Bulk selection is also available:

The tag parameters are selected by default. AudienceReport saves changes done through the “edit events”, but not through the “edit tag parameters” section. This means that if you change something in both sections, event types will be different, based on their attributes, but the tag parameters will remain the same.

In other words, changes in the "Edit tag parameters" section only affect the exported file and pixels available for copying on the page while changes in the 'Edit events' section affect items and new event types are assigned to them

How did we do?

How to add custom report items
