How to add new clients

Corina Alonso Updated by Corina Alonso

How to add new clients 

If you have an Agency account you can create ‘Client accounts’ for those of your clients that do not have a direct deal with AudienceProject if you want to start measuring their campaigns in AudienceReport.

To create a new client account, make sure you are either an Organisation Admin or an Account Manager of your main Agency account.

Start by logging into

You can also access from your agency account. To do that please go to the admin center "Manage accounts and users" in the top left corner of your screen:

Then select the needed AudienceReport Next agency account. After that, to create a new client account that will belong to this agency, go to the 'Clients' tab and select ‘Add client’:

Next, select "Create a new AudienceReport account for my client":

To create a new client account, you will need to put in two pieces of information. 

  1. Define the name of your client. We recommend that you put the brand/company name of your client and the market in which the client operates. I.e. Coca-Cola Sweden. 
  2. Put in an email address - we recommend using your client’s email address. Note that doing this will notify the client directly that the account has been created, and that the client will have access to the client account. If you do not want the client to have access to their reports, you can just add your own email address. You do not need to accept the email invitation that you are receiving regarding every client you create.
Your client will only be able to access reports in the UI that are actively shared by you


When you have put in the needed information click ‘Continue’.

After that, you can decide who should have access to this client account: only Selected agency users (you should select the needed ones) or Everyone in agency. And then click 'Add client'

The client account has now been created and is ready for use. When you set up new connections and integrations you will now be able to connect them to your client account.


How did we do?

Agencies: managing user access for connected accounts

How to connect an Agency account to a Premium client account and vice versa
