What is the Campaign Manager integration?

Corina Alonso Updated by Corina Alonso

General Information

The Google Campaign Manager integration allows you to validate all campaigns you create in Campaign Manager with the next generation of AudienceReport. The integration makes all your Campaign Manager campaigns available in AudienceReport as items, where you can choose which ones to measure. 

The Campaign Manager integration enables you to measure the following event types: impressions, in-view, in-view supported, clicks and video pixels (video start, video 25%, etc.)

How does it work?

The Campaign Manager integration is responsible for setting up AudienceReport pixels on all advertisers that belong to a connected Campaign Manager account.

Google Campaign Manager has a flexible way of controlling what campaigns you want to track with the AudienceReport pixel. AudienceReport offers two different “tagging modes” (Auto and Manual) which decide how event tag settings in Campaign Manager are configured. 

Users are able to change these settings on the advertiser level, campaign level, or placement level.

If Auto mode is selected all placements will have AudienceReport pixels, if the user hasn’t excluded them explicitly.

If Manual mode is selected only placements selected by the user will be included and therefore only these placements will have AudienceReport pixels.

Please note that if you enable video quartiles for the integration, all the video pixels are added as third-party URLs on the Creative level and are not affected by the mode (Auto/Manual).

When the integration is activated, it will synchronize the settings in AudienceReport with the settings in Campaign Manager approximately once every hour. After this, it will synchronize all the campaigns that have a placement or creative with an AudienceReport pixel back to AudienceReport, with respective event types. The synchronization cycles are run approximately every hour.

The integration does not remove anything from advertiser/campaign/placement/creative nor does it override. It always appends pixels, which means that the integration will add new pixels instead of overriding the current ones.

How did we do?

Integrate with Campaign Manager
