Creating and Sharing reports

How to add and export tracking pixels to your reporting items

When you are creating a new report, you need to add your custom items to be tracked by AudienceReport. Check how to create your report here and how to add custom report items here. After adding custo…

Mathias Freudendahl
Updated by Mathias Freudendahl

How to add custom report items

If you want to create a reporting item without using one of our integrations, you can create a custom report item. You have two options for how to do that. 1. Start by creating a new report from the…

Mathias Freudendahl
Updated by Mathias Freudendahl

How to duplicate a report

When you have created a report, you have the ability to duplicate (clone) it. If you want to calculate new target groups and compare them with others, or if you need to add an item and compare the re…

Corina Alonso
Updated by Corina Alonso

How to export your report

Watch the Tutorial Video - How to export a report here. If you want to export your campaign report, go to the Reports section and select the report you want to export. Once you see the report dashboa…

Mathias Freudendahl
Updated by Mathias Freudendahl

How to share your report with your client

This article will describe how agencies can share reports with a client account directly on the platform with automatic updates when new data emerges. Note, that if your client has a ‘Premium client…

Mathias Freudendahl
Updated by Mathias Freudendahl

How to understand your report

Once your report is created, you can explore how well your campaign is reaching your target group. Your report consists of five sections: ‘Dashboard’, ‘Reach’, ‘Profile’, 'Funnel' and 'Delivery'. To…

Mathias Freudendahl
Updated by Mathias Freudendahl

How to understand your report - Dashboard

The Dashboard section shows the overall results for your campaign in the determined timeframe. The metrics refer to e.g. Reach in the target group (% and people), Events in the target group, Hitrate,…

Corina Alonso
Updated by Corina Alonso

How to understand your report - Delivery

The Delivery section shows the breakdown of events on a daily or weekly basis, the breakdown by Channels or Items, on a trend or buildup graph. Also, you can see the breakdown of events by devices In…

Artem Sheludko
Updated by Artem Sheludko

How to understand your report - Funnel

The funnel in AudienceReport, allows you to gain valuable insights into how your campaign is delivering on different ‘events’ in your campaign. When talking about events, we refer to different steps…

Corina Alonso
Updated by Corina Alonso

How to understand your report - Profile

The Profile section shows the results related to the hit rate of the selected target audience by the campaign. In other words, it shows how much better you were at hitting the target group when compa…

Corina Alonso
Updated by Corina Alonso

How to understand your report - Reach

The Reach section shows a detailed overview of your campaign reach, frequency, TRP, and other metrics for your campaign in the determined timeframe. The report tiles show the overall reach results of…

Corina Alonso
Updated by Corina Alonso

How to use an exported pixel

After creating custom items, or adding your items to a report, you can export the pixels. You can find more info here. When exporting a pixel(s) in AudienceReport Next, the export happens through a C…

Corina Alonso
Updated by Corina Alonso
