AudienceReport Upgrade FAQ

Amalie Updated by Amalie

AudienceReport upgrade FAQ


Q: Why should I upgrade to the new version of AudienceReport?

The new system is future proof, it comes with even better integrations and a bunch of new and improved features. A full overview of the features of the new vs the old system can be found here: Comparing the original and the new generation of AudienceReport.

Data in the old system 

Q: What will happen to the data in my old AudienceReport account after the product is closed down?

Option 1: Upgrade to the new version 

If you decide to upgrade to the new version of AudienceReport, you can import your active campaigns from the old system and into the new system, thereby continuing normal operations; 

  1. The campaigns you measure with a pixel, using the Campaign Manager or Adform integration is what we call "open web". Your active open web campaigns can be imported into the new system - simply import them as existing items, your CSM will help show you how as part of your upgrade.
  2. All other integrations (e.g. Meta, YouTube, etc) are significantly different in the new version of AudienceReport. Therefore, the Integrated Report campaigns can not be migrated to the new system. 
    However, if you have active Meta or Youtube campaigns being measured in the old system, there is an option of bringing these campaigns into the new system. Your dedicated Customer Success Manager will help you with this.

If you want to retain historical campaign reports, AudienceProject can help you download reports for all campaigns that are less than one year old. Once the old system is closed, all data that is not downloaded or imported into the new system will be deleted.

Besides campaign data, all your organizational data (account and user information) is automatically retained. 

Option 2: Do nothing 

If you don't do anything and decide not to upgrade, all your data is deleted once the old system is closed. Alternatively, you can download your campaign data before the old system is closed. You can export your reports one at a time through the UI or the API.

Once the old system is closed, all your existing data is deleted.

Q: What will happen to my active campaigns that are being reported in the old version of AudienceReport?

Option 1: Upgrade to the new version 

If you decide to upgrade to the new version of AudienceReport, you can import your active campaigns (those running on the open web or through an ad server) from the old system into the new system as described above, thereby continuing normal operations.

Option 2: Do nothing

If you don't do anything, all your data is deleted once the old system is closed. Alternatively, you can download your campaign data before the old system is closed. You can export your reports one at a time through the UI or the API. Once the old system is closed, all your existing data is deleted.

Q: What will happen to my finalized campaigns that are being reported in the old version of AudienceReport?

Option 1: Upgrade to the new version 

AudienceProject can help you download all campaigns that are less than one year old. Once the old system is closed, all data that is not downloaded or imported into the new system will be deleted. Finalized campaigns can not be imported into the new system. 

Option 2: Do nothing

You can download your campaign data before the old system is closed. You can export your reports one at a time through the UI or the API. Once the old system is closed, all your existing data is deleted.

Q: Can I migrate integrated reporting campaigns from the old to the new system?

Option 1: Upgrade to the new version 

Only active open web campaigns can be imported into the new system. All other integrations (e.g. Meta, YouTube, etc) are significantly different in the new version of AudienceReport. Therefore, these campaigns can not be migrated to the new system. 

However, if you have active Integrated Report campaigns being measured in the old system, there is an option of importing these campaigns into the new system. Your dedicated Customer Success Manager can help you with this. Alternatively, don’t hesitate to contact us at

Option 2: Do nothing

Only active open web campaigns can be imported into the new system. All other integrations (e.g. Meta, YouTube, etc) are significantly different in the new version of AudienceReport. Therefore, these campaigns can not be migrated to the new system. 

API access 

Q: What will happen to my API access for the old version of AR?

Option 1: Upgrade to the new version 

Existing API access is closed once the old system is closed. If you have paid for API access to the new system, then your dedicated Customer Success Manager will help you get access to the API for the new system. 

Option 2: Do nothing

Existing API access is closed once the old system is closed. 


Q: What does the new version of AudienceReport cost?

The new version of AudienceReport comes with a new pricing structure and new professional services including Upgrade Services. Please reach out to your Contact in Sales, your local Customer Success Manager or reach out at for more information.

How did we do?

Comparing the original and the new generation of AudienceReport
