Adform integration set-up

The activation of the Adform integration with your AudienceReport Account is fast and easy.

Start by logging into the AudienceReport account you will want to connect. 

Press your name/initials in the top right corner and click "Account settings". Now click the tab called "Integrations". 

Before connecting the integration please make sure the user you are using to create the integration in Adform has access to the advertisers and campaign you want to tack and the following access to Adform:


Base Data



Quick Stats


Custom Reports

Data Exports

Real Time Bidding

Additional Services




Quick Stats

Analytics (all reports)

Generating (all reports)

Data Exports

RTB setup

External API

SE accounts 






Export Variables




You can check this by looking at the permission in the user management settings in Adform.


Click activate in the section for Adform, and follow the instructions. You will be guided through the set-up, and will have multiple options customise your integration. Each step is outlined below. 

First step is to connect with Adform. After clicking activate, you will be asked to establish a connection between Adform and AudienceReport. Before clicking ‘Connect with Adform’, make sure you are logged in to the Adform account you wish to connect. 



After connecting, you will need to allow AudienceReport to access some information from your Adform account. This access is needed in order to enable automatic tagging of campaigns, and automated campaign creation in AudienceReport. To grant access click ‘Allow’.



After establishing the connection between AudienceReport and Adform, it is now time to configure the settings of your integration. First, make sure to verify that you have connected the right accounts: 



Next step is to select the advertisers you want the integration to apply for. You have the possibility to activate the integration for all your advertisers in Adform (Select ‘All client’) or only selected ones (select ‘only selected’). If you only want to measure selected advertisers, please mark with advertisers should be included from the advertiser list. 



Now select the country where your campaigns will be running. 



Finally, define the tracking details you want for the integration. You have the option to configure 5 different things. 1) Do you want the integration to automatically measure viewability for your display campaigns. 2) Do you want insights on geo compliance as a standard in your AudienceReport campaigns. 3) Do you want insights on referrer transparency as a standard in your AudienceReports. 4) Do you want to automatically measure video quartiles for your campaigns (‘video funnel events’). 5) Are there any specific media you don’t want to include for measurement. If this is the case, you have the option to back-list specific media from being tagged across all campaigns. 



Finally confirm your selections and activate the integration. 

All active and  future campaigns will now be tagged and start to appear as reports in your AudienceReport account.

If you at any point want to edit or deactivate your Adform integration, this is possible from this account settings page in AudienceReport in the tab ‘integrations’

If you have questions or need help in regards to anything please feel free to reach out to us 

How did we do?

Automatic tracking of DFP campaigns
