In-app tracking

In this guide, you can learn how to get started measuring your in-app campaigns in AudienceReport.

How it works

By using device-ID’s (also called advertising identifiers), we are able to tie in-app usage to our individual panelists. These device-ID’s are called IDFA (Identifier For Advertisers) on iOS devices and AAID (Android Advertising ID) on Android devices.

As with traditional browser based traffic, the in-app tracking is done by firing a tracking pixel. The only requirement is that the platform / ad server is able to return device-ID’s through a macro in the tracking pixel URL. 


In other words, a tracking pixel, which is meant to fire inside an app, should look something like this:[tcode]&rnd=%RANDOM%&d=%DEVICE_ID%&med=%APP%


  • [tcode] must be replaced with the appropriate tracking code
  • %RANDOM% is replaced by the name of a macro generating a random number
  • %DEVICE_ID% is replaced by the name of a macro obtaining the IDFA / AAID
  • %APP% is replaced by the name of a macro that provides the app name

This is a lot similar to the way AudienceReport addresses viewability and tracking of specific events such as clicks, conversions, video plays etc.




Here’s the template of an in-app tracking pixel with Adform macros applied. The [tcode] part should be unique for your campaign - so please remember to replace it.[tcode]&rnd=%%ADFRND%%&d=%%ADFDEVID%%&med=%%ADFPUBD%%




Here’s the template of an in-app tracking pixel with Sizmek macros applied. The [tcode] part should be unique for your campaign - so please remember to replace it.[tcode]&ord=[timestamp]&d=[%tp_DeviceID%]&[%tp_AppID%]




Here's the template of an in-app tracking pixel with Adcolony macros applied. The [tcode] part should be unique for your campaign - so please remember to replace it. Please also note that the pixel needs to be implemented directly to Adcolony, as it cannot be added via an ad-server.[tcode]&d=[DEVICE_ID]


DoubleClick for Publishers


Here's the template of an in-app tracking pixel with DFP – DoubleClick for Publisher macros applied. The [tcode] part should be unique for your campaign - so please remember to replace it. Please also note that the pixel needs to be implemented directly to DFP – DoubleClick for Publisher[tcode]&d=%%ADVERTISING_IDENTIFIER_PLAIN%%



Here's the template of an in-app tracking pixel with Spotify macros applied.

The [tcode] part should be unique for your campaign- so please remember to replace it.

Please also note that the pixel needs to be implemented directly to Spotify, as it cannot be added via an ad-server.[tcode]&rnd=%%CACHEBUSTER%%&d=%%PATTERN:rdid%%

Bauer Media 


Here’s the template for in-app tracking pixel for Bauer campaigns via the Adswizz adserver with Adswizz macros applied. The [tcode] part should be unique for your campaign - so please remember to replace it.[tcode]&rnd={random}&d={listenerid}&gdpr=${GDPR}&gdpr_consent=${GDPR_CONSENT_394}





If you have any questions or need any further help, please do not hesitate to contact us at

How did we do?

Implementing click trackers

In-view tracking of inlined content
