Understanding your project

Basic Actions

When you are in the report view, you can perform a series of actions. You'll find these in the top right corner of the report.


The "Actions" drop-down

Here you can edit, delete or duplicate your project and set a reference ID such as an order number or an ad server campaign ID.

The "Export" function

Here you can export your report. Choose between a nice, print-ready PDF, a raw Excel file and a beautiful PowerPoint Presentation.

The "Filter" function

Here you can hide certain parts of your project by filtering specific tracking points from the report. Read more


In the top right corner - below the filter button - you can view and change your report period and project target group. Please feel free to read more on how to do this here.


The report tabs

Your report data are broken down into five different sections; “Overview”, “Profile”, “Reach” or "Coverage", “Affinity” and “Delivery”. These can be viewed by clicking the tabs under the project title. Below you'll find a brief explanation of each tab.


This tab consists of three different elements; “Overview”, “Total impression buildup” and “Impression details”.

This provides you with a quick overview of a list of project key numbers. The key numbers include:

  • Target group reach: The percentage and number of people reached in the target group.
  • Target group: The chosen target group size in the online population.
  • Total impressions: The number of total impressions delivered by the project.
  • Impressions: The number of total impressions that actually reached the defined target group.
  • Campaign frequency: The frequency of the campaign is based on the sample size. INFO: The campaign frequency is the actual number of times panellists in the sample size were exposed to the campaign. The average frequency in the overview, therefore, doesn't change when changing the Target Group. 
  • TRP: The number of TRPs delivered by the project. INFO: TRP is short for "target rating point". It is an expression of the stimuli in a specific target group. The stimuli are measured by the number of people reached in the target group in relation to the overall number of people in the target group and the average frequency of impressions per person. Therefore, the TRP is given by multiplying the percentage of people reached in the target group within each specific tracking pixel with the frequency of impressions per person. The TRPs from each tracking pixel are rounded up and then accumulated, which might be why the TRP you see in AudienceReport is slightly different than if you try to calculate it from the numbers in the overview. To calculate TRP you will need the numbers from the "Reach" tab, under "Reach details". 

TRP = (ReachP1 * FrequencyP1) + (ReachP2 * FrequencyP2)+ ...+(ReachPN * FrequencyPN), 

where P= placement and N=total number of placements. 

TRP = 10,8 *5,4 + 9*5,2 + 1,4*21,2 + 1,2 * 8 + 0*5,9 +7,2 *3,8 = 58,32 + 46,8 +29,68 +9,6 + 0 + 27,36 

Round up to: TRP = 58 + 47 + 30 + 10 + 0 + 27 = 172

NOTE: The TRPs are calculated by Reach and  frequency per placement not frequency in Target Group
  • Sample size: The sample size (n) shows the number of recognized persons. Read more about sample size here.
Total impression buildup

This shows you a graph of the development of impressions in the reporting period. The graph is divided into total impressions and impressions in the target group. When moving your marker over the graph, you will see the number of total impressions, impressions in the target group and the weekly increase of impressions for each individual week.

Impression details

This gives you an overview of each of your tracking points and their number of impressions. Again, the number of impressions are divided into total impressions and impressions in the target group. When moving your marker over the “n” button to the right of the tracking point, you will see the sample size for this specific tracking point.



The profile tab consists of two different elements; "Common affinity profile" and "Profile details".

Common affinity profile

This provides you with a quick overview of the campaign's audience. It measures the campaign's audience relative to the online population, based on five demographic variables; gender, age, income, education and household, where the average online population is set to 100. Read more

Profile details

This shows you the proportion of your created tracking points in relation to both seven demographic variables (age, children, education, employment, gender, household size and income) and/or to the custom segments you have selected for your campaigns like purchase intents and ownerships ones. Read more about Custom Segments here



The reach tab consists of two different elements; "Reach buildup" and "Reach details".

Reach buildup

This shows you a graph of the development of people reached in your target group in the reporting period. When moving your marker over the graph, you will see the percentage of people reached in your target group, the number of TRPs and the incremental reach for each individual week.


Reach details

This gives you an overview of each of your tracking points and their reach, unique reach and frequency. The unique reach indicates the reach of the specific media and takes possible double coverage into account - a person can be exposed on more than one placement. When moving your marker over the “n” button to the right of the tracking point, you will see the sample size for this specific tracking point. This is also where you find the numbers to calculate TRP. 



When you are adding custom segments to your campaigns, keep in mind that reach will be reported as coverage. This is because the validation of your campaigns, in this case, is based on unverified 3rd party data and not on numbers from statistical banks. To read more about this check our guide.

The Coverage section outlook is the same as the Reach one and has the same features and functionalities. This section, just like the Reach one, is divided into Coverage buildup and Coverage details.



The affinity tab consists of two different elements; “Best performing tracking points” and “Affinity details”.

Affinity is defined by the share of impressions in target group relative to the target group share of the online population.  A share of impressions in target group corresponding to the target group share of the online population is set to affinity 100.  A value over affinity 100 indicates that there is a higher share of impressions in the target group than the target group share of the online population represents and vice versa.

It can be calculated through the following formula:

Affinity= (Share of unique impressions in the target group) / (Target group share of the online population) * 100

Best performing tracking points

This gives you an overview of the performance of each of your tracking points in your campaign. Here, the affinity is an index of how well you are at reaching your selected target group on your campaign, in total and for each specific placement/media. The total affinity is made up by the weighted average of all the campaign tracking pixels.

If a target group for your campaign is not defined, the affinity for all media will be 100. This is due to the fact that by not defining a target group, you automatically target the entire online population.

If you have a lot of tracking points, you can choose to just show the top 5 or top 10 tracking points in your affinity list in the report.


Affinity details

This gives you an overview of each of your tracking points and their share of impressions in the target group, which the affinity is based upon. Also, it provides you with the number of TRPs delivered by each of your tracking points. When moving your marker over the “n” button to the right of the tracking point, you will see the sample size for this specific tracking point.




In this tab, you can choose to get data on delivery for the whole project or each of the individual tracking points.

When getting data for the whole project, the tab consists of four different elements; “Daily impressions”, “Hourly impressions” and “Device type ratio”. When getting data for a specific tracking point, an extra element is added; “Cachebuster ratio”.

Daily impressions

This gives you an overview of the development of daily impressions in your report period. When moving your marker over the graph, you will see the number of impressions for each day.


Hourly impressions

This shows you a histogram of the number of impressions received in each hour interval. The hour intervals are expressed in the time zone of the campaign. When moving your marker over the histogram, you will see the number of impressions for each hour interval.


Device type ratio

This gives you an overview of the distribution of impressions across different devices; desktop, mobile, tablet and other devices.


Cachebuster ratio

This shows you the cachebuster ratio on the selected tracking point during the report period. In other words, the graph tells you if the specific tracking point has got a cachebuster during the entire campaign or not.




The event tab will allow you to get an overview of the performance of the different events in your project. I.e. how many that has clicked from after generating an impression.

The Event tab, consist of three elements; Event funnel, Event funnel details and Even timeline.

Event funnel

The event funnel will visualise the events tracked for your project.

The funnel shows the tracking for the total project. If you want to see the funnel for selected pixels only, use the filter function on the top of the page (note that it might take approximately 15 sec. before the funnel has been re-calculated).

By clicking on the dropdown in each box, you will be able to customise the funnel, as you wish.

Event funnel details

In the event funnel details, you’ll find information on how the events are tracked for each of your tracking points. In this example, the events; impressions, in-view and clicks have been tracked. From the “rate” it is further evidence how big a share, has continued to the “next event”. In this example, for newsletter 4, 50% of the ones that have generated an impression has further clicked.

Event timeline

The event timeline will show how the tracking of each event has developed during your report period. In the upper right corner, you’ll be able to select for which events you want to see the development. Be aware that the graph has two y-axes, one for each event. In this case, the unit for impressions is on the right y-axis, while the unit for clicks is on the right y-axis.


Event profiling

To see the specific profile for the events, scroll to the bottom of the events tab. Here you can see how the events(i.e. clicks) are divided by demographics: age, gender, education, employment, income, household size and whether there are children in the household. You can also see how the events are divided by your own selected custom segments criteria, like ownership, purchasing intent and so on.


If you need help to understand your reports please contact support@audiencereport.com 


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