Sample sizes

Online population

We are often asked where our numbers on population are taken from. Numbers about the online population and target groups are taken from the statistics authorities in the specific countries:

  • Denmark: Danmarks statistik,
  • Finland: Tilastokeskus,
  • Sweden: Statistiska Centralbyrån,
  • Norway: Statistisk sentralbyrå,

Sample size

The sample size in AudienceReport is shown in the “Overview” tab. The overall sample size is shown under sample size:

The tracking point-specific sample size is given further down in the same tab, under “Event details”. Simply hold the mouse over the “n”, next to the tracking point name, and the sample size will show.

A red “n” means that the sample size is 0, a yellow “n” means that the sample size is below 100 and a blue "n" means that the sample size is above 100. Generally, we say that a sample size above n=30 per trackingpoint is acceptable.

Sample size for the total campaign

On the overview report, you can see the total sample size for your campaign. Sample size is the amount of people in our panel exposed to the campaign. Unless the campaign target group is very small, the sample size will typically be in the thousands.

Sample size for part of the campaign

In addition, sample size can also be viewed for part of the campaign by looking at individual tracking pixels. In this case, sample size is the amount of people exposed to the tracking pixel. Unless, it is a very small campaign or a very narrowly defined target group, the sample size will typically be in hundreds.

Easily spot the tracking pixels with low sample sizes

As a special safety feature, the new AudienceReport automatically alerts the users attention to a low sample size. The N tab at the individual tracking pixel will be yellow, if the sample size is close to a very small size, and red if the sample size is critically low or zero.


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