Creating Projects

​Creating your first project

When you first sign into your account through AudienceReport with your personal information you will access a screen with all your projects. To add a project, simply click the green “+” button in the…


Adding tracking points / pixels to your project

Adding tracking points to your project (often referred to as tracking pixels), is quick and simple - just follow the steps below. We also recommend reading this article , if you'd like a better under…


Applying filters to your data

The filter function is a powerful feature, because it allows you to quickly hide certain parts of your project (tracking points) from the report. This is useful for optimizing a project along the way…


Change your target group or report period

If you create a project without adjusting the target group or reporting period, the campaign is set to have a wide, undefined target group, and a reporting period stretching from the last day of the…


Duplicating campaigns

In case you want to duplicate a campaign you can do this in the 'Actions' section in the top-right corner of the campaign page. You can choose between duplicating your campaign using the same or new…


How to merge projects

This is relevant if you have two or more campaigns that you would like to see within the same project. Enter one of the campaigns you want to merge. From here click "Actions" next to the campaign tit…


How your data will change when applying filters

When entering your account you are presented with an unfiltered overview of the elected project. This means that all the tracking points implied in the project are included. In this specific case the…

