API Documentation

API Best Practices

Best practices . The AudienceReport API facilitates access to report and items data, allowing users to retrieve, filter and analyze information efficiently. This documentation outlines best practices…


How do I use the AudienceReport Next API?

Once you have retrieved your API credentials consisting of a Client ID and Client Secret, you can begin making your API calls to your account(s). In the API documentation, you can get an overview of…

Corina Alonso
Updated by Corina Alonso

Understanding the API documentation

With the AudienceReport API, you can effortlessly retrieve the data that's stored in your AudienceReport account. The API comes with comprehensive documentation that offers insights into the relevant…

Corina Alonso
Updated by Corina Alonso

What is an API?

An API is a way to access data and platform interaction without being explicitly in the platform. You can make a code for your own system or application, that can retrieve and connect data from your…

Corina Alonso
Updated by Corina Alonso

Where do I find the API key?

When working with the AudienceReport Next API you need an API key. To retrieve one, you first need to go to the Admin page and click ‘ API keys ’. Be aware that you need the user access of ‘Organisat…

Corina Alonso
Updated by Corina Alonso
